What Is the Green New Deal? The Green New Deal is an ambitious, risky, possibly brilliant, and definitely controversial plan to slow climate change via a broad, progressive economic stimulus package for the USA. On March 21, 2019, ClimateRecovery.org and American Resistance Sevilla held a Green New Deal Roundtable to discuss the Green New Deal and what it might mean for all of us. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, champion of the Green New Deal
WANT TO KNOW MORE? THE GREEN NEW DEAL Text of House Resolution 109: The Green New Deal, Congressional Record Kathy Sherritts: Overview of the Green New Deal, presented at the GND Roundtable March 21, 2019 Rhiana Gunn-Wright, an architect of Green New Deal, explains why it has to be so ambitious, Pod Save America The Good News About a Green New Deal, New Yorker Green New Deal is Feasible and Affordable, CNN CARBON EMISSIONS Steve McCann: Is it feasible to achieve zero carbon emissions? presented at the GND Roundtable March 21, 2019 Lynnette McCurdy: Transportation Alternatives, presented at the GND Roundtable March 21, 2019 YOUTH UPRISING Natalie Purinton: Role of Youth Movement in Green New Deal, presented at the GND Roundtable March 21, 2019 “Our House Is On Fire … I Want You to Panic,” TED Talk by teen activist Greta Thunberg 1.4 Million Students in 123 Countries Strike to Save Climate, Vox Inside the Sunrise Movement, NBC News INCOME EQUALITY Rutger Bregman Interview, The Daily Show; and his TED Talk: Poverty Isn't a Lack of Character, It's a Lack of Cash Tony Robbins: In 5-10 years we may need to give people free cash, CNBC LABOR James Mangan's Will Labor Support the Green New Deal? presented at the GND Roundtable March 21, 2019 MEDICARE FOR ALL Richard McCann's Analysis, presented at the GND Roundtable March 21, 2019 SOCIAL POLICY & PLANNING Donald G. Reid's Social Policy and Planning Implications, presented at the GND Roundtable March 21, 2019 CONSERVATIVE REACTION Conservatives Slam AOC’s Green New Deal, The Daily Show Does the Green New Deal Require Men to Recycle Their Urine for Coffee? Snopes Fact Check (Spoiler alert: no it doesn’t. That rumor was started by a right-wing conspiracy theorist.) |